Wakefield Show '99

Photos from the Wakefield Acorn Computer Group's fourth show

The Wakefield Show '99 took place at the Thornes Park Athletics Stadium on 15th and 16th May 1999. The photographs presented here were all taken on Saturday, 15th May and were used in a report which appeared in RISC User 12:4.

The captions used here are based on the ones that appeared in the magazine, with further comments in italics. The report was laid out using Ovation Pro, and can be found elsewhere on this CD.

Pic Queues prior to opening time
Pic Pic The animated snowboarders ('peak performers') which adorned the dodecahedral Castle Technology stand and waved leaflets at punters probably looked more comic than was intended, but at least they were eye-catching and original
Pic Pic
Pic Wakefield '99 marked RISCOS Ltd's launch of RISC OS 4
Pic Andrew Rawnsley, Technical Director of RISCOS Ltd, on hand to talk about RISC OS 4
Pic The R-Comp stand, with the RISCOS Ltd stand in the distance
Pic Overview of the hall
Pic Overview of the hall
Pic A very good turn-out of visitors and exhibitors alike
Pic Simon Birtwhistle, programmer of Vantage, demonstrates his software
Pic Cerilica set up a small theatre for demonstrating Vantage, although it didn't really have enough seating space
Pic Millipede Electronic Graphics' stand, with Richard Jozefowski at the left (wearing the waistcoat)
Pic Geoff Titmuss of Softease was selling a new triple-platform (Acorn, PC, Mac) version of TextEase on CD. The grape-coloured iMac in the pictures had been chosen deliberately to complement the stand(
Pic MicroDigital's Mico computers have been designed from scratch. unlike the defunct Medi which was based on the A7000+
Pic Pic David Atkins holds up the main circuit board used in the Mico range
Pic The Spacetech stand: an Olympus C-2000 Zoom adorns Chris Hornby at the left
Pic Pic RiscStation was the only company to have new RISC OS-based computers that were actually working at the show
Pic Pic
Pic Another animated mannequin at the Castle/Acorn stand; Castle Technology's Jack Lillingston can be seen with a clipboard at the right of the picture
Pic The bare tables of the ePage stand led many to think that the company had pulled out, but in fact a lone representative was present to answer questions
Pic RISCOS Ltd staff give a presentation to a packed theatre
Pic Music, utilities and games at the R-Comp stand
Pic A long shot of the hall
Pic The RISCOS Ltd stand was constantly busy
Pic Akalat Publishing, iSV Products and others
Pic The RiscStation R7500 in its mini-tower configuration
Pic Richard Hallas encounters David Bradforth (seated) at the ProAction stand